It’s Still There If You Know Where to Look – Walt’s Disneyland


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by: Jim Denney

Disneyland in Anaheim, California, is the only theme park in the world that literally has Walt Disney’s fingerprints on it. WALT’S DISNEYLAND uncovers those parts of Disneyland that have remained essentially unchanged since Walt left us. If you know where to look, Walt’s pristine, unchanged Disneyland is still there, waiting to be discovered and enjoyed.

Where is Disneyland’s “mystery spot” and what does it tell us about Walt’s plans for Disneyland’s future? Why did Walt choose “a year and a day” as his deadline for building Disneyland? When did Walt first decide to build Disneyland? (Hint: it was decades earlier than you’ve been told.) These are some of the questions answered in this book — and nowhere else!

By uncovering the hidden history of Disneyland, this book will make your next Disneyland adventure a richer, more enjoyable experience. Jim Denney, co-author of the classic Disney biography HOW TO BE LIKE WALT, takes you on a tour of Disneyland as it is today — from Main Street USA to Tomorrowland — and shows you where to find Walt’s original Disneyland of 1955 to 1966. It’s a journey into the heart and soul of one of the greatest innovators of all time, Walt Disney.

Format: Hardcover – Used
Pages: 351
SKU: 80599

Additional information

Weight 21.12 oz
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 0.98 in