Disney Magic Ideabook – Using Disney’s Magic Strategy for Your Own Business Success


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by: Rich Hamilton

When Walt Disney created the world’s first theme park, powerful forces were at work. Today, decades after Walt’s death, the theme parks still generate tons of cash while entertaining millions of people every year. After reading this book, when you visit Disneyland, Walt Disney World, or one of the other Disney resorts, you’ll see the venture in a whole new, exciting way, packed with profitable ideas that you can use in your own company. In this book discover: – How you compete with Disney – Why dogs and cats ride the tram at Disneyland – How Disney bundles and plusses to capture more dollars – The significance of a full trash can – The key to cookbooks, mouse ears, and outrageous hats – Staffing with people who ‘get it’.

Format: Hardcover – New
Publisher: Sellbetter Tools
Pages: 90
SKU: 68050

Additional information

Weight 4.4 oz
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × 0.21 in